Q. What is LivingMoments meditation?
LivingMoments meditation uses best features of several forms of meditation, making it more likely for beginners and for busy people to meditate and lessen their physical, mental, and emotional stress.
Think of LivingMoments meditation as mini-guided meditations you create for yourself, as you repeat and focus on them in your relaxing, calming moments.
In many of the exercises in my book, Simply How to Meditate, you recall best moments from your past and bring them into your present moments.
You bring Moments-in-Time into your present moments. You pull from your memory of past moments, and bring into your mind, snapshots (moments-in-time) of experiences when you were relaxed and calm. When you were happy, pleased, successful, on top of your game.
You turn these Moments-in-Time snapshots into mantras. (A mantra is a sound, word or phrase, even a brief sentence or two or three.) Then, in meditation you repeat them as you breathe slowly and deeply.
In other exercises in Simply How to Meditate, you plant Seed Thoughts for growth in your life into your subconscious mind. How? You compose your own positive affirmations for your own growth and success and repeat them in meditation.